Forty-five years ago, on October
16, 1970, in the middle of the night the government of Pierre Elliott Trudeau
proclaimed the War Measures Act following two political kidnappings by the Front de liberation du Québec. Under the
War Measures Act the Constitution and all civil liberties were suspended.
12,500 troops were sent into Quebec —7,500 in Montreal alone (For comparison,
8000 troops were sent to Dieppe in August 1942, a major Canadian operation; and
a no more than 3000 Canadian troops have ever been deployed to Afghanistan.)
Nearly 500 men, women, and children were arrested without charges, detained
incommunicado, without bail and without the right to communicate with a lawyer. Many of those arrested were poets, writers,
artists, and grass-roots organizers. The combined police forces (RCMP, the Sûreté du Québec and the Montreal
Police) entered and searched more than 10,000 homes without warrant. Two days
after War Measures were proclaimed, one of the hostages, Quebec Labor Minister
Pierre Laporte, was found dead in the trunk of a car.
It is a wonder that Pierre
Trudeau maintains the aura, internationally and domestically, of the consummate
liberal and progressive. Time has come to reassess his record and the best
place to start is his proclamation of War Measures in October 1970. For a
starter, people should know that one of the first to congratulate Trudeau was
Nixon’s National Security adviser, Henry Kissinger, the man who has admitted
that he was already in the process of organizing a coup against Salvador
To justify the War Measures, the
Trudeau government claimed that Quebec was in a state of “apprehended insurrection.” In the speech on television explaining
the measures, Trudeau spoke of the two kidnappings, the request for help
received from the government of Quebec, and “confused minds” in Quebec. However, the leading police force at the
time, the RCMP, was opposed to invoking such sweeping measures as a means to
free the hostages and arrest the kidnappers. In an exhaustive study based on
hitherto confidential documents, security expert and political scientist Reg
Whitaker pointed out that “the RCMP never
asked for the War Measures Act, were not consulted as to its usefulness, and
would have opposed it if they had been asked their opinion.” It has also
been shown that Prime Minister Trudeau’s Principle Secretary Marc Lalonde
drafted the Quebec government’s request for War Measures and personally carried
the letter to Quebec Premier Robert Bourassa and oversaw its signing. The third
reason, “confused minds,” does not
even deserve an answer. Since when is “confusion”
a reason for suspending the Constitution and all civil liberties?
War measures were devised for
war, hence the name of the act introduced into Canada’s political life in
August 1914. War measures were invoked in Canada during both World Wars. Under the
War Measures, the federal government can use all the powers it deems useful—and
it alone is judge—to achieve its goals. The government is not required to
obtain authorization from anybody. The measures entitled Trudeau in 1970 to say
exactly what Louis XIV said three centuries earlier, “L’État, c’est moi.”
The War Measures suspend civil
liberties and judicial rights. Censorship is applied, and suspicion, distrust,
and denunciations run rampant. When Montreal morning man Rod Dewar declared on
October 16, 1970, “I went to bed in a
democracy and awoke to find myself in a police state,” he was immediately
It becomes easy and common to arrest and detain people incommunicado simply because they have, or are suspected of having, ideas deemed to be dangerous by the government. They have no right to their day in court before a judge or to communicate with a lawyer. That was how Italians in Quebec and Ontario were interned during the Second World War. That was how the federal government settled scores with what it considered to be an ethnically closed community of Japanese on the West Coast: 22,000 Japanese Canadians were sent to camps for the entire war and more, and were never again able to reorganize as a community. The War Measures Act was also used to combat opposition to compulsory military service (conscription) in Quebec. The spectacular arrest and four-year internment without trial of Camillien Houde, the Mayor of Montreal, Canada’s largest city at that time, was a severe warning to anybody who might be tempted to oppose conscription. The War Measures Act is based on unbridled authority, fear, and the threat of violence.
With time, truth will out
Three members of Trudeau’s
cabinet have stated that the government had no proof whatsoever of an
“apprehended insurrection” when the War Measures Act was pushed through
Former Trudeau minister Eric
Kierans explained in his memoirs that they made a “terrible mistake” and that “their
common sense went out the window.” Another minister, Don Jamieson, said in
memoirs that they “did not have a
compelling case” and that when they met the police just after War Measures
were imposed, they were upset to learn that the police had no evidence
justifying those measures. Worse yet, declassified British documents revealed
that in November 1970 Canada’s External Affairs Minister Mitchell Sharp told
his British counterpart that the government knew “there was no evidence of an extensive and coordinated FLQ conspiracy,”
adding that the FLQ was known to be no more than “a small band of thugs; there was no big organization; just a gang of
‘young toughs’.” Yet at that very time, the government was still applying
war measures in Canada and telling the population about the “apprehended insurrection.”
When the claim of an “apprehended insurrection” began to
appear flimsy, Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau and his Principle Secretary Marc
Lalonde floated a story about a revolutionary provisional government that was
preparing to usurp power from the legitimately elected government of Quebec.
The man used as a conduit for the story was Peter C. Newman, editor-in-chief of
Canada’s most widely distributed daily, The
Toronto Star. Newman, however, has provided all the details of what he
described as the “meticulously concocted
lie” that Trudeau and Lalonde told him. That lie continues to be repeated
over forty years later.
Might makes right
![]() |
Just watch me take peoples' rights away |
In spite of the lies, Canadians
still massively support Trudeau’s decision to invoke the War Measures Act in
1970 and at the time support for Trudeau's actions in English Canada was
almost obscenely enthusiastic. Journalist Robert Fulford remarked that, “The people of Canada believe, not in civil
rights, but in civil rights when they are convenient.” And historian Ramsay
Cook has noted that Canadians like “peace
and they like order” but that “I
don’t think this has ever been a country that had an enormous interest in civil
But why invoke the War Measures
Act in the first place? The police didn’t ask for it and it arguably lead to the death
of one of the hostages. In fact, if we look at the October Crisis as a simple
hostage situation then Trudeau's actions seem heavy-handed and reckless. However, if we consider that Trudeau was
elected to do battle with the separatist threat in Quebec then his actions make much more
sense. The War Measures Act basically gave the FLQ two options: they could carry out their threats or run.
Either outcome was a victory for Trudeau. If they chose to run, they were cowards who would never be taken
seriously again, and if they carried out their threat, they were separatist murderers who could then be used to tarnish the entire sovereignist movement. Trudeau also
exploited the situation to justify terrorizing his political enemies, Quebec
nationalists, by rounding them up in the middle of the night and stripping them of their rights. In the end, Trudeau played politics with other people's lives as
much as the FLQ did. He didn't pull the trigger but he certainly shares responsibility
for Laporte's death.
What Trudeau did was wrong in
every sense. It was wrong in the sense of law enforcement; in fact from that perspective, one could
call his performance criminally reckless or at best dangerously incompetent.
And it was wrong in a larger political sense; he violated the rights of
thousands of innocent people. Rights aren't rights if they can be taken away,
they are only temporary privileges.
While Trudeau is falsely praised as a champion of charter rights, his defense of the War Measures Act provides a different story: “There are a lot of bleeding hearts around who just don’t like to see people with helmets and guns. All I can say is, go on and bleed, but it is more important to keep law and order in this society than to be worried about weak-kneed people who don’t like the looks of a soldier’s helmet... So long as there is a power in here which is challenging the elected representative of the people I think that power must be stopped and I think it’s only, I repeat, weak-kneed bleeding hearts who are afraid to take these measures.” A reporter asked, “At any cost? How far would you go with that? How far would you extend that?” His infamous answer: “Well, just watch me.”
People who admire Trudeau for his handling of the October Crisis are possibly closet fascists who long for a strong man to take charge and put people in their place, but it is unlikely that they would have supported such actions had they been directed towards English Canadians. Declaring martial law in Quebec, on the other hand, was just the kind of thing Canadians were expecting from Trudeau when they hired him, and he delivered. Trudeau rocketed to the head of the Liberal party in the late 1960s because he was seen as someone who could put Quebec nationalists in their place and he used this crisis like a true Machiavellian opportunist to score political points. Unfortunately, Trudeau's martial law machismo also cost Laporte his life.
While Trudeau is falsely praised as a champion of charter rights, his defense of the War Measures Act provides a different story: “There are a lot of bleeding hearts around who just don’t like to see people with helmets and guns. All I can say is, go on and bleed, but it is more important to keep law and order in this society than to be worried about weak-kneed people who don’t like the looks of a soldier’s helmet... So long as there is a power in here which is challenging the elected representative of the people I think that power must be stopped and I think it’s only, I repeat, weak-kneed bleeding hearts who are afraid to take these measures.” A reporter asked, “At any cost? How far would you go with that? How far would you extend that?” His infamous answer: “Well, just watch me.”
People who admire Trudeau for his handling of the October Crisis are possibly closet fascists who long for a strong man to take charge and put people in their place, but it is unlikely that they would have supported such actions had they been directed towards English Canadians. Declaring martial law in Quebec, on the other hand, was just the kind of thing Canadians were expecting from Trudeau when they hired him, and he delivered. Trudeau rocketed to the head of the Liberal party in the late 1960s because he was seen as someone who could put Quebec nationalists in their place and he used this crisis like a true Machiavellian opportunist to score political points. Unfortunately, Trudeau's martial law machismo also cost Laporte his life.
Worse than Watergate
The events that followed the
October Crisis are even more troubling. More than 400 illegal RCMP break-ins
were revealed by the Vancouver Sun reporter John Sawatsky on December 7, 1976
in his front-page expose headline “Trail
of break-in leads to RCMP cover-up”. Finally, on April 19, 1978, the
Director of the RCMP criminal operations branch admitted that the RCMP had
entered more than 400 premises without warrant since 1970. Among the over 400
admitted incidents were the following:
- In April 1971, a team of RCMP officers broke into the storage facilities of Richelieu Explosives, and stole an unspecified amount of dynamite. A year later, in April 1972, officers hid four cases of dynamite in Mont Saint-Gregoire, in an attempt to link the explosives with the Le Front de Liberation du Quebec (FLQ). This was later admitted by Solicitor General Francis Fox on October 31, 1977.
- In 1971, the RCMP chief superintendent Donald Cobb oversaw the infiltration of FLQ cells with federal agents, and the releasing of a fraudulent "Manifesto" on behalf of the La Minerve cell, calling for increased violence.
- The issuing of 13 false FLQ press releases in 1971 from a dummy FLQ cell called André Ouimet, which claimed responsibility for the firebombing of the Brinks Company office in Montreal in January of the same year.
- On the night of May 6, 1972 the RCMP Security Service burned down a barn owned by FLQ member Paul Rose’s mother in Sainte-Anne-de-la-Rochelle, Quebec. They suspected that separatists were planning to meet with members of the Black Panthers from the United States. The arson came after they failed to convince a judge to allow them to wiretap the alleged meeting place.
- The kidnapping of André Chamard, a law intern involved in the defence of the accused FLQ members on June 7, 1972. The RCMP first attempted to recruit Chamard as an informer using a drug case he was involved in as blackmail and subjected him to beatings and death threats.
- A break-in at the Agence de Presse Libre du Quebec office on October 6, 1972 had been the work of an RCMP investigation dubbed Operation Bricole. RCMP speculated in the media that right-wing militants were responsible. The small leftist Quebec group had reported more than a thousand significant files missing or damaged following the break-in. The RCMP eventually pleaded guilty on June 16th, 1977 to the break-in. A similar break-in occurred in late 1972, orchestrated by RCMP, at the office of the Quebec Political Prisoners Movement.
- In 1973, more than thirty members of the RCMP Security Service committed a break-in to steal a computerized list of Parti Quebecois (PQ) members, in an investigation dubbed Operation Ham.
- In 1974, RCMP Security Service Corporal Robert Samson was arrested planting explosives at the house of Sam Steinberg, founder of Steinberg Foods in Montreal. While this bombing was not officially sanctioned by the RCMP, at trial he announced that he had done “much worse” on behalf of the RCMP, and admitted he had been involved in the APLQ break-in.
In June 1977, the Quebec
government, headed by the Parti Québécois, decided to launch an inquiry into
the RCMP activities in Quebec, the Commission
d’enquête sur des opérations policières en territoire québécois (also known
as the Keable Commission). Every step of the way, the Commission met with
resistance and obstruction from both the RCMP and the federal government who
challenged the Commission’s jurisdiction to examine the affairs of a federal
agency, arguing that it was invading the prerogatives of the federal
government. The Trudeau government succeeded in having Canadian courts declare
the investigation unconstitutional, even though a large number of the dirty
operations were directed against the people of Quebec. It charged that the
Keable Commission would be violating the Official Secrets Act. Solicitor
General Francis Fox, refused to hand over subpoenaed documents, using the
“absolute privilege” accorded to the Solicitor General under Canada’s Federal
Courts Act, a privilege without any recourse to appeal.
Trudeau immediately setup his own competing inquiry, the McDonald commission. The mandate of this commission was formulated with a view to restricting and controlling disclosures of police activities. The reasons for invoking the War Measures Act were not to be examined on Trudeau’s orders. The final report was, according to former solicitor general Allan Lawrence, a “partial whitewash” in that while there was some embarrassing revelations for the Trudeau government, such as when John Starnes, head of the RCMP Security Service, told Trudeau and some of his ministers during a cabinet meeting in December 1970 that the RCMP had been doing illegal things, there was much that didn’t make it in the report. And, unlike the Keable commission, the McDonald commission did not recommend that any charges be laid against RCMP officers involved in illegal activities. Of all the recommendations the McDonald commission did make, only one was implemented by Trudeau’s government with astounding speed: taking the security services away from the RCMP and giving it to a civilian agency, the Canadian Security and Intelligence Service (CSIS). But right from the outset, some critics wondered why a civilian agency would be less prone to committing illegal acts than the RCMP? Today, CSIS is overseen, on behalf of Parliament, by the Security Intelligence Review Committee. But since we know that bozos such as the weasel-like Phillipe Couillard and his partner-in-crime Arthur Porter were members of that committee at one time, it would seem that the critics were right.
Occasionally, an ambitious politician from a peripheral nation within an empire manages to rise to the top. Stalin, for example was Georgian, not Russian, but he became the supreme ruler of the Russian-dominated Soviet Union and an important event in Stalin's rise to power was something called the Georgian Affair.
After the Russian Revolution of 1917, Georgia declared independence in May of 1918, in the midst of the Russian Civil War. However, in February 1921, Georgia was attacked by the Red Army. Stalin played a decisive role in engineering the Red Army invasion of Georgia following which he adopted particularly hard-line, centralist policies towards Soviet Georgia. Stalin favored the elimination of local nationalism and insisted that all three Transcaucasian republics – Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia – join the Soviet Union together as one federative republic. The Georgians wanted their country to retain an individual identity and enter the union as a full member. Lenin disliked Stalin's policy towards Georgia, as he believed all Soviet states should be on equal standing with Russia rather than be absorbed and subordinated to it.
Basically, Lenin did not want the U.S.S.R. to appear as an empire as Communists were meant to be anti-imperialists. Stalin, for his part, needed to prove his loyalty to this new Russian-dominated empire or "union". Crushing his own people did the trick and having a Georgian invade Georgia deflected accusations of imperialism. Win-win!
Like the Soviet Union, the Canadian state is an relic of empire and remains a “prison of nations.” The use of repression as an instrument of government policy is rooted in the very nature of Canada. But in an age of democracy and the end empires, it was important to get a Quebecer to implement the hard-line on the rising Quebec nationalism of the 1960s. Trudeau was just the kind of unscrupulous bastard that Canada needed.
As for Trudeau's motives for despising Quebec, we can only guess that he wanted revenge on the closed, conservative French-Canadian Catholic society he knew in his youth, not realizing that it was the product of Canadian imperialism, the net result of the collusion between the Anglo-protestant bourgeoisie and the Catholic church. The Canadian empire gave him the means to carry out his retribution against Quebec. All he needed to do was flatter the Canadians on their supposed greatness and assure them that he will take care of their Quebec problem.
Based on a text by Guy Bouthillier
Empire and ambition
Occasionally, an ambitious politician from a peripheral nation within an empire manages to rise to the top. Stalin, for example was Georgian, not Russian, but he became the supreme ruler of the Russian-dominated Soviet Union and an important event in Stalin's rise to power was something called the Georgian Affair.
After the Russian Revolution of 1917, Georgia declared independence in May of 1918, in the midst of the Russian Civil War. However, in February 1921, Georgia was attacked by the Red Army. Stalin played a decisive role in engineering the Red Army invasion of Georgia following which he adopted particularly hard-line, centralist policies towards Soviet Georgia. Stalin favored the elimination of local nationalism and insisted that all three Transcaucasian republics – Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia – join the Soviet Union together as one federative republic. The Georgians wanted their country to retain an individual identity and enter the union as a full member. Lenin disliked Stalin's policy towards Georgia, as he believed all Soviet states should be on equal standing with Russia rather than be absorbed and subordinated to it.
Basically, Lenin did not want the U.S.S.R. to appear as an empire as Communists were meant to be anti-imperialists. Stalin, for his part, needed to prove his loyalty to this new Russian-dominated empire or "union". Crushing his own people did the trick and having a Georgian invade Georgia deflected accusations of imperialism. Win-win!
Like the Soviet Union, the Canadian state is an relic of empire and remains a “prison of nations.” The use of repression as an instrument of government policy is rooted in the very nature of Canada. But in an age of democracy and the end empires, it was important to get a Quebecer to implement the hard-line on the rising Quebec nationalism of the 1960s. Trudeau was just the kind of unscrupulous bastard that Canada needed.
As for Trudeau's motives for despising Quebec, we can only guess that he wanted revenge on the closed, conservative French-Canadian Catholic society he knew in his youth, not realizing that it was the product of Canadian imperialism, the net result of the collusion between the Anglo-protestant bourgeoisie and the Catholic church. The Canadian empire gave him the means to carry out his retribution against Quebec. All he needed to do was flatter the Canadians on their supposed greatness and assure them that he will take care of their Quebec problem.
Based on a text by Guy Bouthillier